Relax Dude. It Only Feels Like We’re on The Pequod!! Oct. 2015 #5

Wow!  2015 is starting to seem like we’ve been Shanghaied, and now are stuck on board The Pequod, with Captain Ahab, obsessed with that Damn White Whale!

Ironically, Obama’s words and action seem to indicate that Damn White Whale is basically anything that Mr. Obama perceives as the White Power structure,  “this nebulous idea of white male privilege”, from colonial England thru present day America.  Ah, America, ya just gotta love identity politics and pc, they’ve almost entirely removed any reason to think at all, very Pavlovian of them.

That, is this Ahab’s missing leg. Just like Ahab keeps looking for that Damn White Whale to get his leg back, Obama keeps looking to correct those things He, and only He declares are injustices.  Folks sure are lucky Mr. Obama is out there correcting those injustices.

It May Be An Indicator:  When there is near unanimous agreement among former rivals.  Mr. Obama’s own Ambassador to Syria, resigned in protest,  professionals from, State, Defense, CIA,The Military, even retired professionals from former rivals are in agreement; The Obama Foreign Policy whatever you call it, is a disaster!!   This will lead to regional, if not a much wider war.

Just for Spins and Grins: what would Mr. Obama’s National Security Policy look like, what actions would he take or not take, if the administration was intentionally trying to weaken and damage the US

It must be boring as hell being a  foreign Intelligence analyst these days.  It appears Obama has been pretty consistent.  No bold initiatives, how difficult is it to give the other side everything they want.  Obama is the one having to react, and he’s been boringly consistent.  He’s been so consistent, the Russians knew he would blink on Syria before he did!

     Guns and Roseburg:   Obama traveled to Roseburg, Oregon, ostensibly to grieve with the families of the dead and wounded.  Almost anyone who could fog a mirror knew this was as much baloney as his keep your Doctor lie.  He was going their to push his anti gun agenda   A couple of elected County Commissioners, plus a large percentage of the people of Roseburg, asking the President to” not come here and stand on the bodies of our loved ones to advance your agenda

Many folks seemed to have reached the Obama saturation.  They know it is a Kabuki Dance!  It is just about money, the dollars he can squeeze out of  their pain.  Many people are starting to feel the only thing important to Obama is his legacy.  Do you ever wonder why he does not go to Chicago to fund raise?  Hmm, curious.

  Law and Order:  Does anyone actually believe that even if they found a dozen smoking emails that Hillary, wold ever be indicted?  Really, in Obama’s DoJ, with all good little progressives Eric Holder left behind, it may be decades before any Dem will be indicted.

There is a “Wild Card” though.  The Director of The FBI, James Comey, strikes no Baloney kind of guy.  I suspect he would tell them to “stuff it” or something like that if they try to cover something up!

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