Obama, America’s Clueless, Classless Mistake!

Stepping out onto our deck this morning, a beautiful female Bald Eagle dropped from of a copse of trees.  She spread her wings, passing so close to me, I felt the air move.  Crows seem pester the Eagles around here, looking to steal the food the Eagles works for.

Today was no different  What a symbol of the American middle class.  She was looking a little raggedy, and haggard but, still strong and proud.  Getting up everyday, trying to take care of her family being chased by three crows trying to steal what food comes in from those that work for it!  Naming the crows, Barrack, Hillary, and Bernie seemed fitting, given much of the rhetoric being tossed around  during this campaign season.

Watching  The Obama’s at the funeral for the Dallas Police Officers. I was struck by how disconnected they seem to be from our citizens and our country, you know, those folks clinging to their Bibles and guns.  He bears much responsibility for the deaths of those  Five Police Officers.  Silence is assent, by not condeming the hate speech of blm, he appears to condone it.    They seemed visibly unhappy at having to be there with those people.  The body language of the Obama’s was curious as they interacted with the people at the funeral, they do not appear to have any genuine affection for either the American people or, our country.  They seem like folks who bought a 4th rate British steeply discounted peerage title through an internet dealer.

Wow, in less than a month, there certainly have been a couple of coincidences, Bill Clinton is caught in a secret meeting with the AG Loretta Lynch,  a couple of days before the Dir. of the FBI said Hillary was just “careless” and stupid with classified information but, not prosecutable.  Comey’s press conference was coincidentally happening while Obama and Hillary were on Air Force One to campaign for her.  Imagine the embarrassment had the Prez and Hillary were speaking and Comey recommended charges!  Really!  I am sure no one knew what Comey was going to say but, that is very different from not knowing which way the tree would fall.  People in Washington, especially at that level have become quite adroit at parsing their words.  Now comes Justice Ginsburg giving her opinion on Trump to the msm.  Trump called her comments “Disgusting”!  Apparently Justice Ginsburg was so offensive, that the New York Times said “Trump is Right,” in print, on the editorial page.  The end of the world must be approaching.

Let’s see now, the IRS goes after Conservatives because of their political affiliation.  Gets caught “Red Handed”, and the only adverse consequences are for the folks whose only crime is to being of the wrong political persuasion.  Coincidentally, Obama declared that was not a “smidgen of corruption” months before the conclusion of the investigation.  Guess what, no one held accountable.

Here’s another interesting coincidence.  From 2009 to 2013 Hillary was Secretary of State, was using her private server, and a variety of unsecure computers and cell phones.  The FBI tells us she transmitted and received classified information on those devices.  The FBI Director tells us it was likely her server was Hacked.  Likely?  I’d say it was 100% sure that Clinton’s server was breached.

Coincidentally, US Foreign policy is in tatters, it’s almost like someone is reading the mail of our top leaders, as they make plans and policies.  Having a Senior member of the Cabinet using insecure Cyber devices over a period of four years is madness.

In 2016, to act as if it’s just a small thing to have a Senior Cabinet Official, using unsecured Cyber communications for over four years is sheer insanity.  A reasonable administration would have to assume everything she worked on has been compromised from the day she took office!  During his first term, I got the feeling that Obama never has had any affection for our people or, country.   Nothing he has said  or done since, has given me reason to change that opinion.

My hope, is that both of his daughters marry white, Southerners, and he lives a long life, surrounded by his children, and many grandchildren, who all are Christian, Bible toting, Life Members of the NRA, and they vote Republican!


Il Legitimus Non Carborendum!”

Safe Travels

Lucius Vorenus









Obama’s actions suggest, much like the dictators in places like Venezuela or Cuba the people’s wants and needs don not matter.  ideology is all.  Not simply because he is President, and is surrounded by toadies and security.  Obama meets the “legal requirements” of the US Government, and is classified as an African-American but, it seems he has had everything except, the Black Experience in America.  Most know the basic facts of Obama’s early life in Malaysia and Hawaii. His real father and step father were practicing Muslims, he was raised in a Muslim country.  The American public has been fed the line that his fathers and early life has no impact on Obama’s decision-making at all by the joint efforts of the Democratic party, their propaganda cabal consisting of the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Chicago etc most of the cable news plus 98% of the nightly news.  These past seven plus years have been remarkable.  No real economic growth,  Zero investigative journalism into any aspect of this administration, we know who pays the reporters salaries, and it’s not the public.  So, who do you think calls their tune?  No mistakes, no corruption, nobody in this administration abusing anything or anybody; the most amazing thing is no person, agency, department has any areas of waste, fraud or abuse in contracting.  No kickbacks! Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!! I believe this must be the second coming, or not

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