Daily Prompt: Abide

via Daily Prompt: Abide

“The Dude Abides” so said Jeff Bridges in the closing of the Coen Brother’s movie, “The Big Lebowski”, the message coming at the end was no matter what was happening in the world, no matter the plots and machinations devised by people, “the Dude”, and his lifestyle would endure. There are several different uses and meanings for abide in Websters Dictionary as enduring without surrender or, remain fixed, unchanging, stable or to bear patiently or, to accept a ruling, law or conditions of a contract.

Given the recent election of Donald Trump in the US, the British voting to leave the EU, the Arab Spring,  the populism and popularity of Le Pen a right wing politician in France, and Angela Merkel banning veils worn in public because the German voters could no longer abide the disruption the Syrian refugees were causing in Germany.   In the US, the indications are the voting population, at least in the fly over states no longer can abide career politicians and their partners in crime, the mainstream media!


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